And So It Begins

 Sat Sep 04, 2021 -   -  ~3 Minutes

Dr. Gail Walter, M.D.

Missionary in Uganda

And so it begins.

I live under a completely despotic regime, with military roaming the streets ….and yet, as of now, I do not face the loss of medical treatment as is happening to the not so free people of the United States. Currently, I will not take the AstraZeneca injection, nor it’s Chinese alternative … and neither will most people in the US or Europe because they have low effectiveness rates and high side effect profiles. However, in the US the loss of very real freedoms is starting to happen based on hatred for the unvaxxed. It is very likely that they will soon have to use an identification stripe when in public.

Never have doctors, nurses, or lab technicians refused treatment for drug addiction, alcoholism, morbid obesity, tobacco addiction… and just stupidity and no common sense over daily health decisions. Almost 75% of patients seen by doctors are noncompliant with their medical care and even their children’s health. But now we have many who feel the unvaxxed should be refused healthcare. They should also be refused healthcare coverage. (Why would you need coverage if you aren’t allowed to be seen?)

To mandate that the nonvaxxed must test frequently and then deny them the test is the perfect catch 22. Eventually, people will not be allowed to work, shop, travel, go to school, or leave their homes without proof of vaccinations. (I suggest a yellow star since it worked well before.)

Just as in Australia, when someone had an unauthorized sneeze while alone in an elevator, the non vaxxed will be reported as the number one enemy of the state and a manhunt will ensue. Australia use to be a democracy just as the US use to be a democracy,but they have returned to their penal colony roots.

The ACLU determined recently that the refusal of vaccines is not a civil liberty. According to them you have no rights. Even if you have full immunity and are a lesser threat than a vaccinated person, you can be medically, socially, professionally, and personally threatened with extinction.

If it isn’t about having full T-cell immunity, which the nanotech injection can never achieve, but a natural infection does, then it ceases to be about safety, it ceases to be about health, it has everything to do with contempt and the complete control of humans they personally disdain for a host of other reasons.

Do not think I have gotten off Scott free by living in Uganda. Less than 1% of the population has been injected. (And as in the rest of the world, far fewer than that have had Covid). Ugandans have been vaccine experiments many times before and paid a deadly price. However they have never been starved to death at the hands of the western world and Fauci et. al. We are looking at another starvation lockdown if we don’t comply. Ugandans are used to starvation. They have practiced all of their lives. It appears they won’t be manipulated. It appears they are more freedom loving than many Americans.